Natasha Lucas

Bake A Wish

Make a Wish

Ashton was born with AML leukaemia November 2020.
He successfully completed treatment. However, relapsed in August 2021 and underwent a Bone Marrow transplant in November 2021.
Ashton is under the age of 2 and unable to make a wish how the Foundation provided a hamper of toys and goodies to our beautiful boy in lieu of a wish being made due to his age.

Help make a difference and allow a child's wish come to life

I’m baking wishes come true for seriously ill kids

Make-A-Wish creates life-changing wishes for critically ill kids. 

Join me at my delicious Bake A Wish event or help me reach my fundraising goal by making a donation. 

There are 800 kids on their Wish Journey right now, and Make-A-Wish is the only Australian children’s charity that focuses exclusively on wishes. That means all their efforts go towards fundraising and creating wishes for children facing a critical illness. 

Join my delicious fundraiser and help make wishes come true! 

My Achievements

Selfie time!

Sharing is caring!

We love hearing your story!

You're halfway there!

You got the ball rolling!

Things are heating up

You did it!

Thank you for your support


Nathan Lucas


Dimity Thompson

from the Thompson family


Aaron And Alicia Khan


Hazel Miller

You are an amazing lady and mum. God bless your beautiful boy and all your family. X


Trish Cameron

Fantastic fundraiser, good luck


Nicole Cameron



Jess Lucas


Cathy Schroder

Thank you for what you’re doing, you’re amazing.


Tammy Pope

Champion 🏆 xox


Logies Fam

Love you my bestie


Natasha Lucas

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