Act Today,
Sponsor a K

Hey everyone, it’s Sean Bell, and I’m on an incredible journey to make a difference in the lives of critically ill kids. Over the course of 14,272 kilometers, I’ll be running across our stunning country, I need your support to make a monumental impact by sponsoring a kilometre of my journey.

Every kilometre I cover brings us closer to granting wishes for kids around the country who need it most. These wishes provide hope and joy at a time they need it most.

Join me on this epic adventure and become a part of something truly special. Sponsor a kilometre today and let’s make the impossible possible.

Sean is aiming to raise


Running a total of


Completed in 

174 days

  • Joachim Dierckens just donated $50
  • Michaela just donated $53
  • Joshua just donated $11
  • Rachel just donated $53
  • Chris Sheppard just donated $52
  • Jude Singh just donated $51
  • Monique Le Roux just donated $106
  • Rebecca Mccann just donated $21
  • Glenn hain just donated $53
  • Michael just donated $11
  • Renee L just donated $53
  • Liv M just donated $20
  • Steve R just donated $21
  • Anonymous just donated $53
  • D McCarthy just donated $53
  • Hayley Crowley just donated $21
  • Anja Weise just donated $32
  • Sal Segat just donated $10
  • Reg just donated $11
  • Hannah K just donated $100

Total amount raised


  • attach_money
  • person
  • credit_card

Act Today, Sponsor a K

Sponsors one kilometre and helps grant a wish for a child facing critical illness.
Sponsors two kilometres and helps fund an unforgettable experience for a child in need.
Sponsors five kilometres and helps support the fulfilment of multiple wishes, bringing joy to several children.

Your Details

I agree to the terms and conditions

Payment Details


I'd like to add a little extra to help cover fees.

Why your support matters

Make an Immediate Difference:

Your donation helps us grant wishes right here in your community and around the country.  

Every Kilometre Counts:

Each donation brings us closer to making sure no child misses out on a wish.  

Join a Community of Heroes:

By donating to Sean's run, you become part of a dedicated group of supporters committed to making a positive impact. 

How you can help

Sponsor A Kilometre

Set your donation amount and you can sponsor a kilometre of my journey. Every contribution brings us closer to our $1.4 million goal.

Spread The Word

Share my journey with friends, family, and on social media to inspire others to join the cause.

Stay Connected

Follow my progress and see the direct impact of your support as we grant wishes in our community.

Join me today and be a part of something extraordinary.

Act Today, Sponsor a K!

Sponsor a Kilometre Now

Follow My Journey!

Stay updated on my progress, see the impact of your sponsorship, and get inspired by the stories of the children whose wishes you have helped bring to life.

Thank You for your Support!

Joachim Dierckens

Been following you since the start. It’s amazing what you do day in, day out and I’m in awe of your world class mental strength. You are a massive inspiration and I wish you all the best



In awe of you


Joshua Weatherhead

Epic heart felt journey


Rachel Nelson


Chris Sheppard


Jude Singh

Shine bright


Monique Le Roux

Crazy man. I love your spirit and your sheer grit to put your body and mind through 14.000 km running around Aus! 80k's a day, no matter the weather or the state of your body, you get up and get on with it. Absolutely incredible, I'm in awe of your mindset and attitude! Keep going champ!


Rebecca Mccann

Great Work! So inspiring 👍


Glenn hain

On another level! Amazing work


