Minimaru Tanabata

By Minimaru Clayton

Thank you for visiting my Make-A-Wish® Australia fundraising page.

Can you help me bring more inspirational wishes to life for hundreds of seriously ill children across Australia?

Your support to Make-A-Wish will make a world of difference to hundreds of Australian kids with critical illnesses. From the simple to the seemingly impossible, wishes complement medical treatment, working to calm, distract and empower sick children when they need it most. When a wish is realised, a child discovers that despite their situation, anything is possible.

With every donation, we are one step closer to granting a wish for every eligible child in Australia. Together we are giving sick kids hope, joy and inspiration through the power of a wish – thank you for your support!

All donations $2 or over are tax deductible.

What is Tanabata?

Tanabata, the Japanese Star Festival, is a captivating celebration that takes place on July 7th each year. Originating from ancient Japanese folklore, it revolves around the tale of Orihime and Hikoboshi, two celestial lovers who reunite once a year. During Tanabata, people write wishes on colorful strips of paper called tanzaku and hang them on bamboo trees. Let's explore the essence of Tanabata and the significance of writing wishes on tanzaku.

In the spirit of kindness, please make a gold coin donation to the Make-A-Wish Foundation while writing your wish on tanzaku.

The Make-A-Wish Foundation is dedicated to granting the wishes of children with critical illnesses, bringing them joy, and providing hope. By combining the tradition of making wishes during Tanabata with a charitable act, we can spread happiness to those in need.

Event Information

Monday 12th June

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors



Wishing for the opportunity to make a difference through supporting causes that are close to our hearts and improving the lives of others.

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