Chigdem Salih

Hallmark Active April 2024

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Thanks for visiting my Make-A-Wish fundraising page

Make-A-Wish Australia creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illness. With every donation, we are one step closer to granting a wish for every eligible child in Australia. Thank you!

All donations $2 or over are tax deductible. 

Help Chigdem make a wish

Hi all
I’m participating in Active April  for the make a wish foundation, which helps raise money to grant wishes for sick children. Please help. Just a little background into Make a wish:

Make-A-Wish® Australia creates inspirational, life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses and has been granting wishes in Australia since 1985 – more than 10,000 wishes, and counting! Wishes are designed to complement medical treatment, supporting families and empowering sick children with hope and joy when they need it most and each Make-A-Wish wish is as individual and unique as the child who imagines it. 


Our wishes are not only for children with terminal illnesses – many wish children eventually learn to cope with and even beat their illness. A wish lets sick children and their families focus on the possibility of tomorrow, not the challenges of today. 

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Ayda Salih

Good luck mum Please donate everyone






Chigdem Salih

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