Celebrating the Life of Karen Anne Russell

By Andrew Russell

Thanks for visiting my Make-A-Wish fundraising page

Make-A-Wish Australia creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illness. With every donation, we are one step closer to granting a wish for every eligible child in Australia. Thank you!

All donations $2 or over are tax deductible. 

My Achievements

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Jo & Paul Cilia


Zija Maria And Kuz Alex Cauchi

We will always miss you, your generosity, your beautiful smile, your kindness and your love for others and You will always be in our hearts and in our prayers.




Allan And Janet

We will miss the many happy times we spent together over the years. Knowing that the love and generosity you showed to others- particularly children will continue through the work of the ‘Make a Wish’ foundation makes your leaving us a little easier to bare. Xx


Mark And Lisa

We will always have fond memories of Karen. She was kind, generous and showed love to everyone she met. We will miss her and hold memories of the times we shared with her in our hearts. xx


St Finbar's Year 2

Someone as special as Karen will never be forgotten. She will remain in our hearts forever. Lots of love.


David & Noeline

Her love, kindness and generosity will live on in our memories…


Angela Jordan

I will miss you my dear friend. 🤍


Jan, Steve, Niki & Nathan

Thank you for coming into our family all those years ago. We will never forget you. Love you forever! Always will be here for Andrew & Maddie xx


Liam Rennie

Will miss you forever! I’ll look after Maddie for you. Love you xx


Melissa & Adam Snowdon

Best friends in life…for ever my guiding light. I’ll miss you all the days of my life.


Gayle Pullen

Thank you Karen for always being a beautiful soul. Will miss our catch ups & our laughs. Love Gayle


Andrew & Madeline Russell

To our beautiful angel. I love you I love you I love you. Forever and always, until we see each other again XOXO.

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