Let's get fundraising

Stuck for inspiration? Look no further! We’ve got heaps of ideas to help you kick start your fundraising. It's as easy as 1,2,3 BOO!

Fundraising ideas

There's lots of ways to dress up, fundraise and make a difference with a Wear What You Wish Spooktacular.

Sign up to receive more hints, tips and ideas.

Dress up challenges

Sponsor yourself, your mates or even your boss to wear a fa-boo-lous costume. It could be for your daily walk, staff meeting (online or in person* if COVID restrictions in your state permit) or even just taking the bins out. Wherever you do it, you'll have fun, spread some cheer and help wishes come true! 

Go virtual!

Working or learning from home? Why not organise a zoom meeting dressed up in your fairy best! Your fundraising page will help make collecting donations easy - just share the link. 

Go the extra mile

Trying to up your exercise right now? Combine it with fancy dress! Running, walking or cycling in a spooktacular get up is guaranteed to get the endorphins pumping! Get your exercise buddies involved for extra fun.

Top five fundraising tips

1. Sign up!

We're here to help. Sign up to get access to our fundraising hints and tips, from our team of experts.

2. Sponsor yourself

Show others you mean business by adding the first donation on your fundraising page.

3. Personalise your fundraising page

Fundraisers who update their fundraising page with a profile pic and blog post raise more money.

4. Spread the word #WearWhatYouWish

Don’t waste a good outfit! Share your costumes on social media and while you're there, ask your mates to support you, or join in too! 

5. Do it with others

Get your crew together for this one – it can be your kids’ school, work mates, friends, family, anyone! Once you’ve got an idea, get your dream team together to have fun while you make a difference.  

Please remember to check all COVID-19 requirements and restrictions that apply to your proposed event and ensure your event is run in compliance with all applicable guidelines, restrictions and other requirements. 

Share on socials

Share the amazing thing you're doing through social using the downloads below.

It's a great way to raise awareness, ask for support and say thank you to your generous sponsors. Don't forget to tag #WearWhatYouWish @MakeAWishAust - we love to see what you're doing!

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Update your Facebook page to show others you're supporting Make-A-Wish.

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Update your Facebook page to show others you're supporting Make-A-Wish.

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I'm dressing up to make a difference to sick kids.

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Please support me and help wishes come true.

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Please support me and help wishes come true.

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Thank you for supporting me!


Why your fundraising is vital

Wishes are designed to complement medical treatment, working to calm, distract and empower sick kids when they need it most. Every dollar helps create more wishes, which is why your support is so important.

Share the stats below when asking others to support your fundraising.

Icon of a star
800+ wish kids

on a Wish Journey - more than ever before

Icon of people
30% increase

in the number of children needing our support since COVID-19

Icon of a star
Thousands more

children are diagnosed with a critical illness each year

Will you dress up to make a difference for seriously ill kids?

Yes! Sign me up