Donate today to make a life-changing difference

Hotondo Homes’ partnership with Make-A-Wish® Australia began in 2014 and has grown into a major element of the business. Our members are dedicated to helping to raise funds and create a world of possibility for children fighting life-threatening illness.
  • $

Please select a donation amount

could buy paint for the front door of a cubby house
could pay for some warm gloves to wear at the snow
could pay for tickets to a first trip to the zoo
could buy furniture to fit out a cubby house
We'd love to send you information about our work and other ways for you to get involved. You can always opt out in the future.
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Total amount

$604,831 raised

$600,000 Goal

$604,831 raised

$600,000 Goal

  • Family Price just donated $23.16
  • Paul Groves just donated $27.81
  • Benji Goldrich just donated $30
  • Thomas Jackson just donated $54.12
  • Irene just donated $50
  • Remi Munteanu just donated $27.81
  • A and T Gersback just donated $20
  • Stella Ngwong just donated $27.21
  • Paul Giofrelle just donated $200
  • Anonymous just donated $52.92
  • Tammy just donated $27.81
  • Malinda Scott just donated $22.58
  • Di & Rick Pryde just donated $50
  • Anonymous just donated $126.62
  • Louise Whitney just donated $22.58
  • Jenna Trombetta just donated $22.58
  • Jacqueline and peter just donated $54.12
  • Sarah & Matt just donated $30
  • Banana Bathrooms just donated $200
  • John Vlahos just donated $47.70

Over the years our builders have helped make a lasting difference to seriously ill children and their families.

Whether it’s been through fundraising, building cubby houses, kennels or even wishing wells, we are incredibly proud of the impact we have had on so many children across Australia.

Donate today to help us continue granting life-changing wishes!


To process your donation, Make-A-Wish® Australia needs certain information about you. Our privacy policy explains: what we do with this information; how it is handled; how it may be shared; how to access or correct it; and our procedure for complaints. We will add you to our mailing list to keep you informed about the latest Make-A-Wish news, products and services. You can change your preferences with us at any time by calling us on 1800 032 260 to opt out. Queries may be directed to our Privacy Officer by email:, mail: PO Box 5006 Burnley Vic 3121, or phone: 1800 032 260.

Make-A-Wish Australia is an affiliate of Make-A-Wish - the world's largest wish granting charity.

Funds donated to Make-A-Wish Australia go towards helping grant wishes for children in Australia.