Right now more than 900 critically ill children are waiting for their wish.
Make-A-Wish® Australia brings amazing people together to grant inspirational, life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. We’ve made unicorns fly, sent kids to the moon and together with our Wish Force, we’re on a mission to grant a wish for every eligible child. You can make a lasting difference.
It's an amazing thing to make a wish come true, and now that power is in your hands!
Please donate today to help make wishes come true.

Hills Health

Rick Bregg

Raomal Samaratunga

Nghi Phan

Sophie K-Hay

Jose Navarro


Alireza Davachi

Vladana Peric

Dinidi Pathirana

Alexandria Office

Natasha Carmichael

Katrina O'Rourke

Phuong Dang

Nghi Phan

Sherin Karunamunige

Samuel Cottle

Zoran Peric

Ana Daljac

Sandra West

Scott McMurtrie

John Doe

Lara P

Abul Rahman

Nghi Phan

Jacqui Bantjes

Jason Knight

Madeline Knight

Camilla Knight

Eloise Knight

Simone West

paris yardley

Anil Jayasundera

Dusan Veselko

Dusan Veselko

Matheesha Ponnamperuma

Amanda Gallina

Stefani Mitkovska

Aleta Pupovac

Nela Peric

Tijana Pupovac

Stasi Pupovac

Nela Peric


George Cottle

Nghi Phan

Hanson Wilson

Danielle Knight

Nghi Phan

Nghi Phan
To process your donation, Make-A-Wish® Australia needs certain information about you. Our privacy policy explains: what we do with this information; how it is handled; how it may be shared; how to access or correct it; and our procedure for complaints.
Queries may be directed to our Privacy Officer by email: privacyofficer@makeawish.org.au, mail: PO Box 5006 Burnley Vic 3121, or phone: 1800 032 260.
Make-A-Wish Australia is an affiliate of Make-A-Wish - the world's largest wish granting charity. Funds donated to Make-A-Wish Australia go towards helping grant wishes for children in Australia.