tony hall

Make-A-Wish Christmas Lights 2023

I'm lighting up my home to support life-changing wishes! 

Make-A-Wish® Australia creates inspirational wishes for children with critical illnesses. There are currently more than 800 kids on a Wish Journey - with every donation, we are one step closer to making the wish of every eligible Australian child come true. Thank you for your support.

I'm fundraising for...Make a Wish Australia

Hi to all, once again I am raising fund for Make a Wish Aust.Last year I raised over $750 and hope you all can dig deep and help again this year.This helps you kids that require help that can only be given by people like you with donations.
Please donate what you can so these little ones get to enjoy Xmas like we all do.

Thank you for your support


Sunil Chaudhary

Great work Tony keep it up



Vijay Rana Magar


David Yeaman

Well done Tony


Iain A Millar

Great work Hally and Suzanne. Caring about a cause says something about you as human beings, and it's all good.


Tony Hall

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