My Activity Tracking
My target 50 kms
I'm taking on the 30K Challenge because...

My Achievements

I donated

I shared my page

I added a photo

I added a blog post

First donation in

Halfway there

Nearly there

I reached my target!

I did it!
Thank you for your support


Chieko Yanai

Asumi Nand
Go mum!!! がんばれ!

David Cranby
お疲れ様! たいへんgood job!

Scott Brown
Gambate Sayo Chan

Selena Everingham
Goooo Baba!!! ❤👏🏼

Rogue Gardens And Lawns

Esther Hess
Go, Go, Go, Sayoko!

Vince Milford
Good luck to you and the team, hope you raise heaps.