Our Achievements

We added a blog post

First donation in

We added a picture

We added to our team

We shared our page

Halfway there

Halfway there

We reached our target

We did it!
Thank you to our Sponsors

Terri Vinson

Simon Vinson
Well done on doing this. Have just made a donation and I hope it goes really well. Dad xxx

Anne Bolitho
Well done Emily We are so proud of you and happy to help xx

Good luck Tayla . A great cause 👍

Great work daughter, I’m very proud of you xxx

What a beautiful thing you are doing Emily! 💙🥰💙

Elizabeth Chackola
We are proud of you. xx

Chloe Hennessey
Onya shmem!

Sharon Omeara
Well done Emily, a wonderful effort. XX💕

Great work Em ..

Graham Bolitho
Well done Emily 😄

Alan Jones
Enjoy the challenge. A great way to add value to Make a Wish and do your own health and fitness a favour.

David J Kettle
Go Mary C !!!

Helen Evans

James Vinson

Bridget Lawler
Get it get it! You’re amazing! X

Geena Angove

Jonathan Brisbane

Saranne Herrington
Go Em ! From Ran


Robyn Ayliffe
Behind you all the way! So proud of you my darling granddaughter.

Love your work!!

Madeline Schmidt
Go big em from big mads and Ernathy

Maya Evans
Good on ya em bud - your pal M-train

Tim And Krystle
Smash it Lucy 👊

Soman Chackola

Jo Thompson
Love your teamwork sweetie

Astrid Turner

Jonny Inskip

Got ya over the line. Well done Tay, amazing achievement.

Lynda Wilson
Go Emily xxxxx

Melissa Rushidi


Michaela Deacon
Go Emily!!! You are incredible!!!!!

Michaela Deacon
Pew Pew Tayla!!!! Make this happen too! You got this!

Ellen Wyles
Go LC Go

Megha Mohan

Oliver Rowlands
Go Em!!!!!

Nicole Ayliffe
Go you!

Natalie Brownless
Nice work Lucy 😊

Sally Lam

Rhianna Moore

Madison Youakim

Madison Youakim

Megan Murphy

Zoe Moorhead

Georgia Collins
Go Em!!

Wendy Llewelyn
You’ve got this Tayla! 👏🥰❤️

Paddy Inskip

Tim Sunderland

Olivia Evans
Love your work pal xx

Chantelle Nguyen
Love this G, get it girl!!

Olivia Evans
Love your work pal!

Belinda Wallin
Go Georgie!!

Belinda Wallin
Go Liv!!

Nat W

Lillian Jones
You’re amazing Georgie!!!!!! Good luck!!! You’re gonna smash it xxxx

Ryan Hickey (lincoln’s Dad)
1k you’re welcome

Pooneh Azady
Go you Georgie x

Rick Edwards

Mary Chackola

Tayla Ayliffe

Lisa Martin
Yes girl!!!!


Amanda Lauchlan

Amanda Lauchlan

Amanda Lauchlan

Amanda Lauchlan

Amanda Lauchlan

Amanda Lauchlan

Amanda Lauchlan

Georgie Vinson

Rick Edwards

Rick Edwards

Rick Edwards

Rick Edwards

Rick Edwards

So proud that you are giving your time to make a difference my lazy toerag 😁