Jacks 123 Challenge 2.0

When I hit 123kg I knew I really needed to make a change. I had far surpassed the typical gym bulking excuse. I was entering the realm of severe depression and using food as a form of escapism, which was only getting worse. I tipped 130kg, not only was I overweight, I was obese. Something I never thought would ever happen to me, as I was constantly either in the gym or running around. But I seemed to lose myself these past couple years as I ballooned from a healthy 90kg up to 130kg. My health was suffering, I couldn’t tie my shoes up without losing my breathe, my joints were constantly hurting, I was fatigued all the time, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, none of my clothes fit, I was becoming more introverted and isolating myself as I was embarrassed at how big I had become and the list goes on.
Originally I intended this to be weight loss challenge but I realised I have other areas in my life that need improvement. Also, to me being healthy isn’t just about physical health it encompasses your soul /spirit and mental health.
My aim is to raise some money for ‘Make A Wish’ by: losing 27kg, sticking to the below criteria and becoming the best version of myself. I’ll be posting weekly weigh-ins, stories and running concurrent challenges in an effort to raise money and allow people to monitor my progress.
Wake up to an alarm every morning / no Snooze – out of bed by 5am at absolute latest (everyday)
Stretch immediately upon waking
Journal / review plan for day + Reading book min 10 pages
See every sunrise + either meditate/reflect / gratitude
1st work out of Day, either: yoga, core/calves/forearm or gym
Work job or study
2nd workout of the day either lunch break or afternoon
Before dinner either stretch/ walk/trigger ball or meal prep
Bed time read 10 pages
*Lose 27KG *No Days Off *No Alcohol or Drugs *No Ultra-Processed Food *No Sugar *No Cheat Days *No Ice Cream *Track Calories *Tv & Social Media limited to 45mins *1 Movie is permitted but only on either Sat or Sun *Physical Activity Everyday
Stop breaking your must do’s!!!! DUMBASS!!!