Jack's weight loss and fitness challenge

By Jack McCabe

Thank you for visiting my Make-A-Wish® Australia fundraising page.

Can you help me bring more inspirational wishes to life for hundreds of seriously ill children across Australia?

Your support to Make-A-Wish will make a world of difference to hundreds of Australian kids with critical illnesses. From the simple to the seemingly impossible, wishes complement medical treatment, working to calm, distract and empower sick children when they need it most. When a wish is realised, a child discovers that despite their situation, anything is possible.

With every donation, we are one step closer to granting a wish for every eligible child in Australia. Together we are giving sick kids hope, joy and inspiration through the power of a wish – thank you for your support!

All donations $2 or over are tax deductible.

Jacks 123 Challenge 2.0

When I hit 123kg I knew I really needed to make a change. I had far surpassed the typical gym bulking excuse. I was entering the realm of severe depression and using food as a form of escapism, which was only getting worse. I tipped 130kg, not only was I overweight, I was obese. Something I never thought would ever happen to me, as I was constantly either in the gym or running around. But I seemed to lose myself these past couple years as I ballooned from a healthy 90kg up to 130kg. My health was suffering, I couldn’t tie my shoes up without losing my breathe, my joints were constantly hurting, I was fatigued all the time, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, none of my clothes fit, I was becoming more introverted and isolating myself as I was embarrassed at how big I had become and the list goes on.

Originally I intended this to be weight loss challenge but I realised I have other areas in my life that need improvement. Also, to me being healthy isn’t just about physical health it encompasses your soul /spirit and mental health.

My aim is to raise some money for ‘Make A Wish’ by: losing 27kg, sticking to the below criteria and becoming the best version of myself. I’ll be posting weekly weigh-ins, stories and running concurrent challenges in an effort to raise money and allow people to monitor my progress.


Wake up to an alarm every morning / no Snooze – out of bed by 5am at absolute latest (everyday)

Stretch immediately upon waking

Journal / review plan for day + Reading book min 10 pages

See every sunrise + either meditate/reflect / gratitude

1st work out of Day, either: yoga, core/calves/forearm or gym

Work job or study

2nd workout of the day either lunch break or afternoon

Before dinner either stretch/ walk/trigger ball or meal prep

Bed time read 10 pages

*Lose 27KG *No Days Off *No Alcohol or Drugs *No Ultra-Processed Food *No Sugar  *No Cheat Days      *No Ice Cream *Track Calories *Tv & Social Media limited to 45mins *1 Movie is permitted but only on either Sat or Sun *Physical Activity Everyday 

Event Information

Friday 17th February

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Stronger Self

Stop breaking your must do’s!!!! DUMBASS!!!

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