Make a change
I love to bake and spend time with my kids. I thought this would be great bonding for us, I’m always teaching my kids to be mindful of others and understand that everyone is unique in their own way. We are always donating old toys and clothes they no longer need this time we want to help another way using our baking skills.I’m baking wishes come true for seriously ill kids
Make-A-Wish creates life-changing wishes for critically ill kids.
Join me at my delicious Bake A Wish event or help me reach my fundraising goal by making a donation.
There are 800 kids on their Wish Journey right now, and Make-A-Wish is the only Australian children’s charity that focuses exclusively on wishes. That means all their efforts go towards fundraising and creating wishes for children facing a critical illness.
Join my delicious fundraiser and help make wishes come true!